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102-02-13 Electromagnetic-actuated Micro Clutches and Brakes

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Electromagnetic clutches and brakes are devices that, as their names suggest, couple, release, brake and hold machinery in place using electromagnetic force generated by passing a current through a coil. They are divided into two types by their method of actuation: electromagnetic actuated and spring actuated. Electromagnetic actuated refers to clutches and brakes that are actuated when a current is passed through a coil; spring actuated refers to brakes that are actuated by the force of a spring when current to the coil is shut off, as happen in power outages. Miki Pulley divides its electromagnetic clutches and brakes into several major categories: electromagnetic-actuated clutches and brakes, spring-actuated brakes, electromagnetic tooth clutches, brake motors, and electromagnetic clutch and brake power supplies. We provide a particularly wide range of electromagnetic-actuated clutches and brakes, including models with large and small transmission torques and units that combine functionality. This enables us to supply the optimal product for your application.

Size :
0*0 mm
Weight :
0 kg

Since its foundation in 1939, Miki Pulley has been leading the field of power transmission and control equipment as the pioneer of the field. We believe that we were able to be at the forefront for a long time because we have continued to challenge new things such as advanced technologies that are ahead of the times and reforming of production. And maintaining high quality is one reason we have gained the complete trust of customers. One of our goals is to become a company that places high value on the quality of all things, including the quality of products, the quality of operations, the quality of employees, and the quality of the workplace environment. We have proactively carried out various quality improvement activities.

For more information or enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact your local MIKI PULLEY distributor or visit http://www.mikipulley.co.jp